Shareasale Search

Custom Search - Benefits of joining Share a Sale Programmes as Merchants

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ShareASale is a performance marketing network, which means that the affiliates who generate traffic and sales are only paid upon actual performance, and at the commission rate that an individual merchant sets.

When you setup your account as a Merchant - you get to decide which action will constitute a commission, and how much that commission should be. You may also have multiple different commission structures depending on which affiliate brought you traffic, or based on another pre-set criteria.

Once your account is setup, you are able to quickly upload any number of banners, text links, videos, widgets, etc... Affiliate will choose from your available creative and begin sending you visitors using their own individual traffic generation methods.

When a sale or lead takes place on your site, the referring affiliate will be commissioned according to your set rates - and we will pay that affiliate for you, while deducting your ShareASale account. Below is a quick table showing the pricing structure of ShareASale...For any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (312) 321-0487 and use "Option 1" for the Sales team.